August/September, Cross Country Trip

This page contains pictures and some verbiage for a cross country trip in a 1973 Alfa Romeo GTV with myself, Cara, and Alicia.  We toured a lot of things in the southwest, then shot across the country to make it back home just before Labor Day weekend.  We drove a total of 4052 miles (6483 kilometers), and didn't see one other Alfa Romeo the entire way (but we did see the worlds largest shopping cart!).

<Day 1 - SanFrancisco> Arrival, lunch and a short sightseeing tour of San Francisco.

<Day 2 - Cliffs Garage> A tour of the garage where the Alfa has been kept in California.

<Day 2 - Cliffs Garage, from Caras camera> Same garage, Caras lens..

Day 3, I worked, they hung out at the hotel, no pictures..

<Day 4 - GrandView> A couple of shots overlooking Silicon Valley from the Grandview Restaurant.

<Day 5 - Yosemite-Death-Valley> First day of the cross country trip from California to Mass, from the Bay, through Yosemite and Death Valley, into Las Vegas.

<Day 6 - GrandCanyon> Over the Hoover Dam and on to the Grand Canyon.

<Day 7 - PaintedDesert-PetrifiedForest> Painted Desert, Petrified Forest, then more Painted Desert.

<Day 8 - NewMexico> The roads around Los Alomos, NM.

<Day 9 - Kansas-Missouri> Done touring, driving through farms, farms, and more farms..

<Day 10 - Missouri-Ohio> Still more farms.

<Day 11 - Penn-Mass> And finally, made it to Massachusetts!

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